1988 MACK DM690S for sale in CALEDONIA, NY
1988 MACK DM690S Double frame dump truck with 19' steel body with tarp, 20K front axle and 44K rears on Hendrickson rubber block suspension, lift axle, and 238" wheelbase. ***MECHANICAL ENGINE***... read more
1988 MACK DM690S Description
Double frame dump truck with 19' steel body with tarp, 20K front axle and 44K rears on Hendrickson rubber block suspension, lift axle, and 238" wheelbase. ***MECHANICAL ENGINE***
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Price | $22,500 |
Stock # | 6609 |
VIN/Serial | VIN not Provided |
Engine | E7-350 350HP 859,457 Miles |
Axles | Tri, 20,000 F, 44,000 R |
Suspension | Rubber Block 238" Wheelbase |
GVW Type | Light |