1999 AUTOCAR ACL64 Stake Body Truck for sale in CALEDONIA, NY
1999 AUTOCAR ACL64 Double frame truck (20' flatbed to be removed), full locking rears, 19' 8" of frame behind the cab, 152" C-T. Rubber 90%.... read more
1999 AUTOCAR ACL64 Description
Double frame truck (20' flatbed to be removed), full locking rears, 19' 8" of frame behind the cab, 152" C-T. Rubber 90%.
Payment & Affordability Calculator
Price | $19,900 |
Stock # | 4620CC |
VIN/Serial | VIN not Provided |
Engine | M11 330HP 231,641 Miles |
Axles | Tandem, 18,740 F, 40,000 R |
Suspension | Hendrickson 242" Wheelbase |
Rear | 5.29 |
GVW Type | Light |