1983 GMC 7000 Attenuator Truck for sale in CALEDONIA, NY
1983 GMC 7000 NON-Running truck with automatic transmission. has Bemis arrow directional sign board and Energy absorption Sysytems attenuator. We will separate arrow sign board and attenuator.... read more
1983 GMC 7000 Description
NON-Running truck with automatic transmission. has Bemis arrow directional sign board and Energy absorption Sysytems attenuator. We will separate arrow sign board and attenuator.
Payment & Affordability Calculator
Price | $3,250 |
Stock # | 3813 |
VIN/Serial | VIN not Provided |
Engine | 79,059 Miles |
Transmission | Automatic |
Axles | Single |
Suspension | Spring |
GVW Type | Heavy Duty |