February 7, 2025 Issue

www.truckntrailer.com TRUCK ‘N TRAILER - ‘TNT’ - February 7, 2025 - PAGE 17 NOTICE: The Publisher's liability for damages resulting from errors in any advertising that it publishes or from its failure to publish any advertisement that it has agreed to publish shall be limited to the amount it actually received in consideration for its agreement to publish the advertisement in question. The Publisher shall not be responsible for any special, incidental or consequential damages suffered by any party resulting from its errors or omissions. Advertiser must report such errors or omissions within seven days of the publication date. No warranty is implied or given by the publisher. The advertisers and Lynagh, Roland Associates, LLC are not responsible for typographical errors, mistakes or misprints. The Advertiser accepts liability for the content of all advertising supplied by it. The Advertiser warrants to the Publisher that its copy is true, that it is not libelous or defamatory, that it violates no rights of privacy, that it infringes no trademark, copyright, literary or other rights, nor constitutes unfair competition with any other party, and that it complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The fact that copy shall have been previously submitted to the Publisher for approval and shall have been approved by it either in whole or in part, shall not relieve the Advertiser of this warranty. The Advertiser agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher from any and all indemnity, demands, liabilities, suits cost or expense, arising by reason of the publication of the Advertiser's advertisement or breach of the foregoing warranty, whether such indemnity are well-grounded or not. Get the benefits of a proven print publication as well as the further exposure to the followers of Facebook and Instagram as well as TNT Magazine online! TRUCK , N TRAILER MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST Name ___________________________________ Company Name (if any) ___________________________________ Street ___________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _______________ Zip ____________ We Operate__________________________ Mail To: TNT MAGAZINE 830 BARNESVILLE DR. • BARNESVILLE, PA 18214 OR e-mail subscription to: [email protected] TNT reserves the right to reject any application. (02/07/25) PRESORTED STANDARD (No Charge) formerly Fourth Class FIRST CLASS U.S.A. including Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands - $55.00 per year enclosed. All else, call 570-467-2528 for cost.